• Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim Stresses the Importance of Ramadi City Repossession and Praises the Military Progress

    2015/ 10 /12 

    Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim Stresses the Importance of Ramadi City Repossession and Praises the Military Progress

        Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim, head of the Islamic Supreme council of Iraq, reiterated the importance of taking back Ramadi city, praising the military progress in it, its encirclement, and the liberation of some of its neighborhoods. He also stressed the need for the security progress to be accompanied with a political progress.
    This came during his meeting with the governor of Anbar Suhaib al-Rawi on Monday October 12, 2015.
    His Eminence called upon Ramadi and Anbar’s citizens that it is generally important to have a role in fighting ISIS, indicating the importance of being ready to post- ISIS and reconstructing the cities. Moreover, he noted that Anbar preceded by Tikrit have written down the grandest pictures of championship and the national cohesion wherein all Iraqi citizens defended Tikrit and Anbar, and Mosul is the same.