• During a meeting with tribal elders and dignitaries of Maysan.. Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim praises the tribal responds to the Religious Authority

    2016/ 03 /22 

    During a meeting with tribal elders and dignitaries of Maysan.. Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim praises the tribal responds to the Religious Authority

    Chairman Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim praised the Iraqi tribes especially the tribes of Maysan role in safeguarding the Iraqi project and society.


    This took place during His Eminence meeting with elders and dignitaries of AlSadah Alboukhat tribes in Maysan. Tuesday, March 22, 2016.


    His Eminence stated the tribes was one of the three links in addition to the Religious Authority and Husseini rituals, recalling that the former regime when planned to target the community began targeting the Religious Authority and then Husseini rituals and then tribes in order to gain the support of certain tribal leaderships.


    In respect of reformations, Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim stated that the demand for reformations is demanded by the Religious Authority and all the Iraqi nation, and the implemented reformations must be inclusive based on clear goals and program, reform procedures and policies, stressing that the reformations cannot be deducted to only changing ministers, if the solution was that; the ministers’ issues would ended by the end of each administration tenure.