• Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim; the New reunited Iraq is born today and we need to think of the post-ISIS phase

    2016/ 06 /02 

    Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim; the New reunited Iraq is born today and we need to think of the post-ISIS phase

    Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim indicated that the new united coherent Iraq the Iraq that everyone was hoping to see in a time after the fall of the idol (the former regime ) , and his eminence the chairman of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq to seriously think and plan the post-ISIS phase, explaining that ISIS had politically ended , and we are today in the prior phase of decisiveness (referring to indicators of ending the Fallujah battle in favor of Iraqi security forces), stressing that the one Iraq is a fate and haven.


    This was addressed at the thirtiest national semiannual conference of apostles in Holy Najaf on 2/6/2016, which is held prior to Ramadan and Muharam of each year.


    His eminence addressed all the community and political leaders stating &today we have cities that are destroyed, people who are displaced and martyrs in entire Iraq & indicating it is a bitter experience and all of us should comprehend the lesson, noting that the Iraqis will be grateful for whom had stood with them and will strongly admonish who stood still doing nothing but watching their pain.


    Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim expressed his great frustration of who still promote for sectarianism and market it as a merchandise of death without any feelings of shame, considering the Iraqi army, police, popular forces, tribal forces and Peshmerga as the Iraqi security legend, who are one entity, and strongly deprecate the describing some of Iraqi security institutions as militiamen, expressing his frustration of who set limits for the righteous fighters who present their souls to martyrdom stating & it is shameful that someone sets a boundary to martyrdom asking to be a martyr in a certain place rather than another &, addressing the ones who call for these limits by saying & there are no limits for martyrdom, it is a right for all, dignity , pride and honor is what the martyrs\' award from his jihad&.