• Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim stresses the importance of concerted efforts to eliminate terrorism in the battle of Mosul

    2016/ 08 /11 

    Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim stresses the importance of concerted efforts to eliminate terrorism in the battle of Mosul

    Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim, chairman of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, stressed the importance of concerted joint efforts of all to eliminate terrorism in the last battle against terrorism in Mosul, during a meeting with US President’s envoy to the International Alliance Mr. Bert Maghurk Thursday, 11/08/2016, his eminence addressed the international alliance to understand the threat of ISIS on global peace and security, addressing the world by saying \"the world should unite and fight ISIS in the battle of Mosul, to prevent fighting ISIS in all the street and alleys of the world,\" adding that the facts indicate a shift from organizational phase of ISIS to an empathy phase with terrorism where no community is immune from terrorism.


    His Eminence said the battle of Mosul is battle a unique national Iraqi battle, which requires the participation of everyone by virtue of the region diversity, and impose the provision of Iraqi human potentials without affecting the sectors of military operations, noting that the participation of the popular forces is a must.


    In respect of political situations in Iraq, his eminence indicated to Mr. Maghurk that Iraq regained its people and is close to be out of the bottleneck, pointing to Iraq’s need to reconstruction of liberated areas, address the post-ISIS phase and to achieve civil peace.