• Visiting nursing home in Hilla .. Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim calls for care to the elderly

    2018/ 01 /26 

    Visiting nursing home in Hilla .. Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim calls for care to the elderly

    Head of the National Iraqi Alliance, Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim, visited nursery home in the city of Hilla and met a number of male and female senior elderly people, commended the level of care provided by the staff seeking satisfaction of guests Thursday 25/1/2018
    His eminence called for the need to preserve family cohesion and provide care for the elderly, pointed out that standing in this place carries an important message, the necessity of preserving family ties, emphasized that the elderly is a blessing in the homes of Iraqis, urged not to neglect them and to take care of them, called on all Iraqi families to take care of the elderly, stay in touch with them and consider their condition as they get older.
    His eminence stressed that the presence of elderly family members within the family gives warmth among the family and heal psychological status of elderly family member.