• On the memory of the fall of Mosul: Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim calls for studying causes away from emotionalism and politicization

    2019/ 06 /10 

    On the memory of the fall of Mosul: Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim calls for studying causes away from emotionalism and politicization

    On the memory of the fall of Mosul by the Daesh on the tenth of June 2014, Head of the Reform and Reconstruction Alliance, Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim, in an official statement called to study the causes away from emotionalism and politicization in order to prevent recurrence in the future.
    Sayyid al-Hakim also stressed the need to learn from the "painful relapse" that has a direct impact on the security, political and social aspects in Iraq. His eminence appreciated the great sacrifices made by the sons and tribes of Iraq and derived their determination, launched and rushed towards the fields of honor encouraged by the Supreme Religious Authority fatwa that restored confidence and structure of the security system until all issues were resolved, and that epic resulted in the liberation of soil and bringing it back to homeland map.