• Sayyid Al-Hakeem calls for bilateral dialogue engagement to ensure Iraq's supply

    2021/ 12 /07 

    Sayyid Al-Hakeem calls for bilateral dialogue engagement to ensure Iraq's supply

    Sayyid Al-Hakeem, head of the National State Powers Alliance, said that the global climate change impact on Iraq and the lack of fair water policies endanger the society, environment, and agriculture.
    His Eminence illustrated that the neighboring countries continue to establish dams and shrink Iraq’s share of the water supply, thus increasing the danger of wide-spreading desertification. H.E. stated that this calls to engage in dialogues and intense negotiations by Iraq and work on activating premade agreements and take advantage of the riparian doctrine endorsed by the UN.
    His Eminence tweeted on 6 December 2021, to call to invest in the economic and commercial interests of those countries with Iraq, as a leverage point to protect Iraq’s water rights and put an end to endangering the present and the future of the country. H.E. also urged the relevant ministries to develop scientific and practical solutions that can alleviate the impact of this crisis and learn from international experiments regarding this issue.