Sayyid Al-Hakeem: services, the shortcut to restore citizen’s trust in the political system
Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met Mr. Muthana Al-Samraiee, head of Azim Alliance, with the presence of Mr. Khalid Al-Obaidy on 27/11/2022, and reiterated the importance of supporting the government in its services path and restoring the citizen’s trusts in the political system, illustrating that providing services represents a shortcut to achieve this goal.
His Eminence called for a larger integration between the ministries and the local governments. To achieve a political balance and to dedicate attention to liberated and deprived cities. We affirmed the importance of supporting the government and enhancing its success factors, and for Iraq to maintain openness to its regional and international neighbors.