Sayyid Al-Hakeem: Iraqi Tribes, pillars to preserve social fabric through diversity
Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, Head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met with Al-Shareefat Al-Shammaria tribe in the residence of their Tribal Chief, our brother Sheikh Talal Arheim Al-Shareefi, along with a gathering of elders and dignitaries. H.E. praised the Iraqi social fabric and the cohesion that thwarted attempts to disrupt Iraqi society. H.E. emphasized that Iraqi tribes are pillars in preserving the social fabric due to their diversity.
H.E. also highlighted the role of the highest religious authority in safeguarding Iraqi society through its supportive stances and statements advocating for Iraq's unity, both territorially and socially. H.E. pointed out that Iraq has overcome security, political, and social challenges to the extent that regional security is now linked to Iraq's security.
H.E. called for attention to regional and international engagement with the development path, as this interaction demonstrates Iraq's recovery and everyone's conviction that Iraq is on the right track, ensuring that this path serves the interests of both internal and external stakeholders.
H.E. emphasized the support for investment and investors and the creation of an attractive investment environment for capital. H.E. stated that the investment environment includes both social and legal-administrative aspects.