• Sayyid Al-Hakeem Visits Popular Mobilization Forces Nineveh’s Headquarters, Emphasizing Readiness, Security Vigilance

    2025/ 01 /16 

    Sayyid Al-Hakeem Visits Popular Mobilization Forces Nineveh’s Headquarters, Emphasizing Readiness, Security Vigilance

    On the second day of his visit to Nineveh province, Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, Head of the National State Forces Alliance, visited the headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF). During the visit, His Eminence met with several leaders and personnel, expressing deep gratitude and appreciation for their sacrifices and continued services to the people of Nineveh.
    Sayyid Al-Hakeem highlighted Nineveh's unique significance due to its geography and diverse population. H.E. stressed the importance of preserving Iraq's sovereignty and safeguarding it against terrorist threats and external ambitions. Praising the PMF's vital role in liberating Mosul, H.E. underscored the necessity of maintaining high readiness, staying vigilant, and remaining grounded in faith. H.E. cautioned against underestimating or exaggerating regional challenges while urging a balanced perspective on potential risks.
    H.E. called for proactive efforts to dismantle sleeper cells and monitor high-risk areas, emphasizing that prevention is always better than reaction. Sayyid Al-Hakeem expressed joy at the strong bond between the people of Mosul and the PMF, noting that this mutual respect facilitates the establishment of security and fosters a safe, cooperative environment.
    Furthermore, Sayyid Al-Hakeem stressed the importance of safeguarding the security achievements made thus far, fostering trust and collaboration between security forces and the public. H.E. urged vigilance in addressing any misconduct that could harm the reputation of the PMF, pointing out that such acts undermine the forces’ role and sacrifice, targeting their reputation before harming the citizens.
    H.E. emphasized that the PMF is a product of a blessed religious edict and the challenges Iraq has faced, advocating for a focus on consolidation and capacity-building through training, institutional regulation, and development to ensure continued success in their mission.
    In his concluding remarks, Sayyid Al-Hakeem encouraged leveraging opportunities amidst challenges, identifying true allies, and working collectively to strengthen Iraq's security and stability.