• Receiving the Head of the Basra Provincial Council, Sayyid Ammar Al Hakim Highlights the Importance of the Unity of Forces in the Council to Face Challenges and Achieve Development

    2015/ 07 /09 

    Receiving the Head of the Basra Provincial Council, Sayyid Ammar Al Hakim Highlights the Importance of the Unity of Forces in the Council to Face Challenges and Achieve Development

        The head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, insisted that the local government in the province of Basra should be united to face the challenges and achieve development and prosperity for the province, calling to improve the situation in Basra through the provision of an adequate level of services, security and stability.
    This came when Sayyid Ammar Al Hakim received at his office in Baghdad on Thursday, 9/7/2015, the head of the Basra Provincial Council, Mr. Sabah Al Bazoni.
        For his part, Al Bazoni assured that the disputes in the province are merely professional and administrative, not political. He also underlined that rectifying thins and solving problems can only be made through the legal and administrative frameworks and procedures, far from politics, finally affirming that the unity of the social structure in the province is one of the top priorities of the local government.