• Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim warns from the psychological war launched by talebearers and slanderers

    2016/ 06 /08 

    Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim warns from the psychological war launched by talebearers and slanderers

    Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim, chairman of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, warned from being dragged to the psychological war launched by talebearers and slanderers, indicating that those people are cowards and very skilled in accusing others yet they are shivering in time of actual battling.


    This took place during the second Ramadan evening at his eminence office in Baghdad 8/6/2016


    His eminence explained that there is a difference between Judaism and Zionism, and there are Jews who objects on Zionism, pointing out that prevalence of injustice results in receding of faith, there are those who make partner in the worship of God, and there are those who worships themselves and their selfishness and desires, stressing that the faith achieve stability and peace to the community.