• Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim calls to solve intersections in security institutions and sentence terrorists to execution verdicts

    2016/ 07 /06 

    Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim calls to solve intersections in security institutions and sentence terrorists to execution verdicts

    Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim, chairman of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq described the populaces of Karrada as people of sacrifice, redemption and bestowing, indicating they were always interacting with the religious authority since Imam Al-Hakim and martyr Imam Al-Sadr and Imam Al-Khoei (sanctify their souls) and Imam Al-Sistani (long live), and because of the Karradah people’s adherence to their tenet, they were targeted by the recent terrorist attack, demanding related security institutions to put an end to the bloodshed through developing more efficient plans, tools and intelligence effort and to solve the intersections between the related institutions and to the prosecution of those involved, plus putting efforts to dismantle terrorist’s networks and clear the terrorist outposts in the vicinity of Baghdad and leading to implement death sentences to the perpetrators involved in shedding Iraqi blood, calling on the international community and regional countries to shoulder their responsibilities to stop bloodshed of all Iraqis in general and followers of Ahlu al-Bayt (peace be upon them) in particular, considering that Iraqi people are subjected to genocide and crimes against humanity, indicating that these crimes will make the state of Iraq and families of the wounded and victims able to prosecute all involved perpetrators of these crimes according to international judicial procedures, calling for the rapid formation of a political council due to its role in pacifying the situation and resolve the restructuring of the Electoral Commission, review the electoral law and working on holding the elections on schedule, without any delays and under any pretext.


    This was stated in the Eid Al-Fitr sermon in Baghdad, which was held in the office of His Eminence Wednesday 06/07/2016.


    All the people of Iraq are supporting and grieving the Karrada attack victims and their families


    His Eminence stated that the ordeal suffered by the Iraqi people is a divine test that will provoke more determination to eliminate terrorism, recalling that Eid Al-Fitr sermon in 2014, two years ago, included consolation to displaced families and concerns to the fate of Iraq, describing the Eid day by a day mixed emotions of pain and triumph, noting that a two-year time is a record for the salvage of any people who have been broken, at which the people had shown the best of their determination and faith in God and in the homeland, reminding of a time of frustration that was aired the Iraqi people, stating \"They wanted to convince the Iraqi human that he will not rise up again, and that his country has become captured by the grip of terrorism and the scum of sick communities and fatwas that are provoking Takfir, rape and captivating, but they have forgotten that the nonpareils Iraqis won’t accept bowing even if they face the most painful devastating calamities and challenges,\" noting that people of Iraq today are all supporting the victims of Karrada and their families, the people Iraq are in extreme grief and pain, despite of Eid, noting that the word “Congratulations” to the victory of Fallujah is postponed until we raise the flag of Iraq high on the last inch reclaimed from sons of Takfir, terrorism and deviation, indicating that congrats will be extended at the time when Mosul is liberated, and only at that time we will say congratulations to the new-born Iraq that is born from the womb of the challenges and sacrifices and had a difficult and bloody throes, reminding that big births are known to be painful and accompanied by bloodshed.


    Iraqis surprised the world with an epic battle against terrorism executed by the Iraqi army and the popular forces


    His Eminence recalled last Eid Al-Fitr sermon and focused on responding to \"The war to liberate Iraq would need many years and Iraq as a country has ended,\" noting that the response at that time was \"You do not know Iraq nor understand the Iraqis and we will surprise the world despite of all the challenges.\" pointing out that this is what has actually happened in which the Iraqis stunned the world in an epic battle executed by the Iraqi army and the people protected by the spirit of the religious authority floating around them, giving guidance, Fatwas and mobilizing people, the battle was a battle of the people for its homeland and a battle of homeland for its people, stressing that the Iraqis fought the darkness and deviation on behalf of the world and had broken and defeated terrorism, and the people of Iraq will finish their way to victory until the very end, praising the jihadist and political stance of Al-Mihrab Martyr Movement, describing it of being qualitative, sincere and devoted to God and the nation, telling them \"you had fought with courage in the battlefields and you made martyrs and raised the flag of the nation, and you are the center of your people bearing on yourselves and on your families and your sons the threat of ISIS and their suicidal bombers, yet you did not overrate or profit of your Jihad in a time that witnesses a lot of overrating and profiting.”


    We will not be deflected from our goal of building a modern just state


    His Eminence pointed to pairing of political and jihad action performed by the sons of Al-Mihrab Martyr Movement, indicating that the sons of the movement worked with everyone in order to gather the nation lines and brought it back to the right path, indicating that they were sincere in the field presenting martyrdom and were sincere in politics challenging intrigues and tribulations, and in both cases they are honest with God, themselves and with others, pointing to the restructuring of tools by stating \" we will not deviate from our goals, and the top goal is building a modern just state, which guarantees freedom, dignity and security, and the future for Iraqi human\" , relying on young minds and cranks that will be the most prominent title in the next phase”, pointing out the rise of the slogan of change six years ago, and it was well thought out and had noticeable impact, and all acknowledged the precision calculations of Al-Mihrab Martyr Movement as it groped towards the future and foresaw the needs of the nation and gave space for young people to stand up to the organizational and political work, describing the experience as fruitful, that produced young leaders who are cadences of pride and reliance, while maintaining the sincere and devoted staffs that provided dearly to defend the religion and the homeland, and those who we raise in them this sincere jihadist spirit, promising to press ahead with the construction of the state and offering effective contribution to solidify the pillars of the modern just state, indicating that the next phase slogan will be ((Youth in spirit and will in order to remove poverty and serve the people and build a young and modern just state)).


    Youth and serving are the most prominent titles for the next phase


    His eminence indicated that titles the youth and the service will be the most prominent titles of Al-Mihrab Martyr Movement in local administrations and the federal government in all legislative and executive segments, noting that \"Iraq deserved to offer it the best we have, and there is no better than the mettle of youth and the wisdom of the people of expertise and professionalism and their aspiration and their insistence on success and excellence, and there is no better than to lift the injustice and poverty and vulnerability for our people \", considering that the youth blood preserved Iraq and liberated it from the defile Takfiri savages rabble and also that would re-built and lead towards the future, and that the blood of the oppressed and the poor is supplying battlefronts with blood, who were first responders to the religious authority’s calling to counter-terrorism, addressing the young people by stating \"set sails toward the future, its calling for you, Iraq is calling for you, this is your future, this is your people, and the blood that slaked this pure land is your blood,\" calling on them to lead the nation into the future and build a the state, urging the need to take advantage of the experiences of maven pioneers who represent the heritage of this country, and our movement have a lot of them.


    A tribute to the government and the military institution and for their leadership in the battle against terrorism


    Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim saluted the governmental, the military and Popular Forces efforts in general for their leadership in the battle against terrorism, and in their organized approach that was mostly away from aggravation in most cases’ handling, warning that means of aggravation and agitation may earn a battle, but in the end the inevitable, it loses the war to building a state and strengthening of homeland and the patriotism, pointing to the early support provided by Al-Mihrab Martyr Movement to the government from the beginning that did not fluctuate side or change positions by the influence of change in circumstances or change of interests, considering these qualities as characteristics of statesmanship and bearing responsibility, the Al-Mihrab Martyr Movement support included the government actions that the movement had conservative stances toward them, promising to work together with the government to complete the military victories of Iraq by the will of real reformation efforts away from slogans and narrow calculations and despicable partisan, stressing the need to totally close the proxy employment case that is a title of administrative and government corruption, pointing to cope with the reshuffle procedures and the resuming meetings of the House of Representatives, to restore the work of the executive and the legislative authorities in the light of these difficult circumstances, pointing out that Iraq will stay renitent, despite the financial crisis conditions and was able to achieve great victories and grab the lead, and deserves to be pumped with new efficient young blood into the veins of their government departments away from intricacy, complexities and stifling bureaucracy methods.


    A call to countries in the region to rationally manage their interests and the limits of its conflict


    Regionally, his eminence pointed to years in which the region live through overwhelming chaos and intersection in interests and projects and competition for power and influence, calling on countries in the region to be more reasonable in the interests’ management and know the limits of their own conflicts, because they will ultimately lose a lot in front of this huge amount of human and material losses that the countries in the region are exposed to , urging countries in the region to resolve their cases for there is no winner or loser, and people are paying the price of these intersections, indicating that everyone had tried bone-breaking policy and reached to a dead end, where everyone became exhausted because of wars and its consequences and abhorrent aftermaths, citing the attack of terrorism on all, without exception, noting that it is out of naivety that one thinks is far from the tusks of terrorism or imagine its courtyard is immune from this diabolical cancer that does not distinguish between an enemy and a friend, and also does not differentiate between a Shiite and a Sunni or Muslim or Christian or Sabia or Ayazdi or Alawi or Druze, Arab or Kurd, or Turkoman or Shabak, describing terrorism as the child of a demonic serial killer fueled by Takfir and deviant fatwas, and there is no option for countries in the region but to sit at the negotiating table and resolve problems through dialogue, and define the parameters of interests and influence, noting that war, no matter how long it goes and how great losses of life and infrastructure is resulting, in the end, solutions will be at the negotiating table.


    His Eminence addressed the brothers in the government of Bahrain to review its decision to withdraw the citizenship of Ayatollah Sheikh Issa Qassem, at the same time showing his adherence to not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, adding, \"from our humanitarian stand and our care to the security, stability and coexistence in the Kingdom of Bahrain and in entire the region, we renew this appeal\", noting that Iraqis have suffered from statelessness during the former regime\'s policy and has proved to be a futile policy that does not provide solutions, but rather sow hatred and discord between the people of one nation.