• Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim: Reform projects are being targeted by side that will be harmed by reforms

    2017/ 09 /06 

    Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim: Reform projects are being targeted by side that will be harmed by reforms

    Head of the National Iraqi Alliance, Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim, in his Baghdad office met a group of elders and tribal sheikhs Bani Sa’id tribes of Wasit province Wednesday, 6/9/2017 


    His eminence reiterated his call to support and empower youth and invest their energy by providing them with the proper opportunity, indicated that empowering youth is one of the reform steps that should be taken in the next phase.


    His eminence congratulated the victories against terrorist Daesh in concurring with Eid al-Adha, stressed that the ongoing preparations to liberate Hawija and western Anbar and other areas will be crowned with victory over Daesh by sacrifices of the ardent people of Iraq and Iraq’s tribes.


    His eminence pointed out that the tribes of Bani Sa’id had a great role in fighting dictatorship, supporting the political process and following the religious authority, and had a courageous stand in the face of Daesh as tribe’s members joined the popular mobilization forces.


    His eminence stressed country\'s need for political victory in addition to the military victory, this is achieved through using wisdom in political conduct and by a national project for all components under the flag of Iraq and Iraqi patriotism, pointed out that the Al-Hikma National Movement seeks to include all spectrums of Iraq to have all components presented and create a project for all citizens of Iraq.


    His eminence stressed the importance of supporting and empowering the youth and invest their energies future phase plus providing support to national figures who are known for thier integrity, pointed out that any genuine reform project is subjected to misrepresentation and targeting because it would damage the interests of certain sides, therefore it is important to implement the project of supporting and empowering the youth, called for new faces in the upcoming period to work on new projects that close the gap between citizens and politicians