• During His Meeting with the Head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, German Ambassador Praises Sayyid Ammar Al Hakim’s Patronage of the Interfaith Harmony Conference

    2015/ 02 /08 

    During His Meeting with the Head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, German Ambassador Praises Sayyid Ammar Al Hakim’s Patronage of the Interfaith Harmony Conference

        German Ambassador to Iraq, Mr. Ekkehard Brose, expressed his high appreciation of Sayyid Ammar Al Hakim’s patronage of the interfaith harmony conference that was held recently. This came when the head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, Sayyid Ammar Al Hakim, was receiving in his office in Baghdad on Sunday, February 8, 2015, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Iraq, Mr. Ekkehard Brose. The latter hoped that the significant and influential role of his eminence would continue to bring the viewpoints of different Iraqi parties closer together. For his part, Sayyid Ammar Al Hakim reassured the German ambassador and the international community that the Iraqi government is moving forward with the national reconciliation, thanks to the great support provided by the political forces to the platform of reform and national reconciliation. On another hand, the head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq highlighted how important it is to have German businessmen and companies participate in investments and carry out service and strategic projects in Iraq. His eminence also underlined the significance of Germany’s major role in developing and reconstructing the Iraqi provinces in view of the great capacities of its companies.
        Furthermore, the two sides tackled the political developments in Iraq and the government platform, as well as the economic and political developments occurring in the region and their repercussions on the regional and international arenas. They also stressed the need to strengthen the friendship between Iraq and Germany for the good and welfare of both peoples. The German ambassador finally affirmed “his government’s support to the Iraqi government’s efforts to fight ISIS and to enhance the bilateral relations between the two countries at various levels”.