• Sayyid Al-Hakeem discusses coalition in Iraq file end, redress with bilateral ties with some state with British Ambassador

    2024/ 07 /11 

    Sayyid Al-Hakeem discusses coalition in Iraq file end, redress with bilateral ties with some state with British Ambassador

    Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, Head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met with the British Ambassador to Baghdad, His Excellency Mr. Stephen Hitchen, and congratulated him and his country on the successful recent elections and the formation of the new government. His Eminence emphasized the need to strengthen bilateral relations between our countries in a way that serves mutual interests and upholds Iraq's sovereignty.
    H.E. also stressed the importance of ending the involvement of the international coalition in combating ISIL, and advocated for replacing this coalition with bilateral relationships between Iraq and some of its member countries, based on mutual interests and direct cooperation.
    Furthermore, H.E. underscored the significance of supporting Iraq's openness to its regional and international environment, and stated that experience has shown the region and the world need a stable Iraq.
    Additionally, H.E. called for an end to the genocide in Gaza and urged the international community to stand up for what remains of humanitarian values, international laws, and norms that are violated by the occupying Israeli entity through the killing of children, women, and the elderly, and the destruction of their homes while they are inside.