• Sayyid Al-Hakeem: preserving Iraq's stability benefits the world and region

    2024/ 07 /15 

    Sayyid Al-Hakeem: preserving Iraq's stability benefits the world and region

    Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, Head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met with the United States Ambassador to Baghdad, Ms. Alina L. Romanowski, to discuss the latest developments in the bilateral relationship between Baghdad and Washington. His Eminence emphasized the need to strengthen this relationship to serve the interests of both countries, ensuring it is mutually beneficial and productive.
    His Eminence also highlighted the importance of resolving the issue of the international coalition against ISIL. H.E. advocated for bilateral relations between Iraq and some coalition countries to achieve mutual interests while preserving sovereignty.
    H.E. noted that the current political, social, and security stability was achieved through the significant sacrifices made by Iraqis from all communities. H.E. affirmed that maintaining Iraq's stability contributes to the stability of the region and the world.
    Regarding the Gaza crisis, H.E. renewed the call for an immediate cessation of the war, also the international community must take responsibility for the genocide faced by the Palestinian people in Gaza.