• Sayyid Al-Hakeem warns against plans to empty society of its religious, social, and political symbols to end it

    2022/ 12 /27 

    Sayyid Al-Hakeem warns against plans to empty society of its religious, social, and political symbols to end it

    Sayyid Al-Hakeem, head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met at the guest place of Sheikh Salah Doaysh Al Kowak Al-Khazalli on 23/12/2022, a group of dignitaries and sheiks of this generous tribe. H.E. thanked them for their good hospitality. H.E. explained the nature of the relationship with the Khazal sons, which runs deep into history and is present at all of Iraq's pivotal stations.
    His permission made it clear that Iraq's comparison with others is measured against the difference. It is not correct to compare the challenges and crises it faced in fighting dictatorship and confronting terrorism, calling for positivity and leaving the language of frustration, warning against falling into the trap of schemes aimed at shaking the confidence of the citizen in his leadership and symbols.